Under NBBFS (Nar Bahadur Bhandari Fellowship Scheme), two students from Sikkim have been selected for further study at Stanford University and Imperial College, London. They are Mr. Vedanth Sharma, MS Aeronautics & Astronautics and Mr. Yash Raj Rai, MSc Financial Technology.
Two Students From Sikkim Obtained Admission At Top Two Universities

It may be noted that Stanford University stands in 3rd position and the Imperial College London stands in 7th position in the QS-2022 World Ranking of University
Prem Singh Tamang, Chief Minister, Sikkim congratulated both of them for their achievement. The Government of Sikkim made a provision of Rs 1 crore for the NBBFS from which 50 lakhs each will be granted to both the students.
Under NBBFS, the Government is committed to support the brilliant students of Sikkim for higher studies at the top 20 Foreign Universities of the world.
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