Amidst the tussle between Twitter and the Indian Government over its newly prescribed social media rules, Twitter’s interim resident grievance officer for India Dharmendra Chatur has stepped down leaving the site without a grievance official as per new IT rules by the Government.
The new IT rules by the Indian Government that came into effect on May 25 mandated all social media companies over 50 lakh users to establish a grievance redressal mechanism for resolving complaints from the users or victims. The Indian Government slammed the micro-blogging site for deliberate defiance and failure to comply with the country’s new IT rules.
The official mandate required the big social media companies to appoint a chief compliance officer, a Nodal Contact Person, and a resident grievance officer that are residents of India.
Twitter, after the final notice on June 5 by the Indian Government to comply with the rules, appointed Chatur as interim resident grievance officer for India, who had recently stepped down due to unknown reasons. Twitter also declined to comment on the recent developments.
After this, an Indian official has stated that Twitter has lost legal protection as an intermediary and will be liable for all content posted by its users on the platform.