Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Enraged elephant shatters windshield of a bus in Tamil Nadu; video goes viral

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An enraged elephant surged at a bus in Tamil Nadu, cracking its windshield, according to a terrifying video. According to the Daily Mail, the event occurred on Saturday morning while a state-owned bus was transporting government officials from Kotagiri to Mettupalayam. The elephant coming at the bus and smashing the windshield as the driver tries to reverse the vehicle is shown in a minute-long video shot from inside the bus.

After a few seconds, the driver stands up and directs the elephant’s attention to himself as the passengers safely disembark from the bus. The elephant, not happy with only smashing the window, rears its head back, as if ready to attack again. The driver then stands up and herds all of the passengers to the back of the bus.

Supriya Sahu, Principal Secretary, Environment, Climate Change and Forests, Government of Tamil Nadu, tweeted the video on Twitter, praising the driver for keeping his calm in a tense circumstance.

“Huge appreciation for the driver of this Government bus in Nilgiris who maintained his composure despite the horrific hits on the bus from an enraged tusker,” Ms Sahu wrote on Facebook after sharing the video. “In an event this morning, he assisted travellers in securely returning home.” “That’s why they say a calm mind can do amazing things,” she added.

Video goes viral

Watch the Video here:

The elephant ultimately wandered away, causing no further damage to the bus. Meanwhile, video of the elephant attack has been seen more than 70,000 times on Twitter, eliciting outrage. Many people praised the driver’s mental foresight.

A Twitter user posted a video of the elephant from a different perspective. Others expressed alarm about the growing confrontation between humans and wildlife. Last year, a video of an elephant charging towards a two-wheeler went popular on Twitter, causing the riders to abandon the vehicle and flee.


“Is there anyone who can advise me on what to do in a case like this? Wait for the tusker to move away before honking or attempting to reverse?” A viewer has made a comment.

Another person tweeted “Mindfulness is a state of being aware of one’s surroundings.
To deal with such situations, drivers must have the courage and coolness to do so.
Reversing the bus in a Ghat part while there is an animal dispute is extremely dangerous, but he handled it with maturity. 👏👏
TNSTC may be proud of its employees.”

“There is a question to be asked. Are we doing a good job of invading the areas/forests where animals live, forcing them to migrate to cities in quest of food? It is necessary to allow the animals to live in their natural habitat “Another person made a comment.

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