Prime Minister Modi made headlines on Sunday as he embarked on a unique spiritual journey by diving into the Arabian Sea to offer prayers at the site of the ancient Dwarka, the legendary city of Lord Krishna now submerged underwater. Clad in a saffron kurta and pajama, adorned with a Navy hat, Modi carried morpankh (peacock feathers) symbolizing Lord Krishna as he submerged himself into the sea. A video surfaced showing Modi underwater, seated in meditation with folded hands as divers stood guard.
After resurfacing, Prime Minister Modi expressed, “More than courage, I had veneration.” Dwarka, mentioned in the Mahabharata as Lord Krishna’s kingdom, is believed to have submerged after his death. Archaeologists have discovered underwater foundations believed to be remnants of the ancient city. Modi shared his divine experience on Twitter, expressing his connection to a bygone era of spiritual greatness.
Before his underwater prayer, Prime Minister Modi visited the Dwarkadhish temple where he received an idol of Lord Krishna as a gift, emphasizing the significance of Dwarka in Indian scriptures.
Modi described his visit to the submerged city as a long-cherished dream fulfilled, highlighting his resolve to strengthen India (“vikshit”) as he offered his prayers. He reflected on the symbolism of Dwarka as the “crown of the world” and emphasized its architectural marvels, attributed to Lord Krishna himself. Modi’s underwater expedition underscores his deep spiritual reverence and commitment to preserving India’s cultural heritage.