As the people of Assam celebrates the auspicious occasion of Magh Bihu, a picture of Dragon themed Bhela Ghar has gone viral on Social Media platforms.
Dragon themed Bhela Ghar surfaces from Goalpara
Reportedly, various Bhela Ghar across Assam have shown up where the locals have shown their creativity and one such which has surfaced is a Dragon themed Bhela Ghar is located in Hati Gaon, Goalpara district in Assam.
Additionally, some users have commented how the Dragon themed Bhela Ghar was inspired by Game Of Thrones – a popular OTT series.
Vaccine Themed Bhela Ghar in Nagaon
Previously, the locals of Raha in the Nagaon district came up with a concept to create a vaccine themed Bhela Ghar, with a motive to promote awareness among the masses to vaccinate themselves.
Picture Credit: abhijeetsinghaphotography (Instagram)