Renowned authors such as Amish Tripathi, Dr. Mukesh Batra, Ravinder Singh, R. Chidambaram, Nawaz Modi Singhania, and Devdutt Pattanaik, graced the Vadodara Literature Festival 2.0 where several other authors, thinkers, and literary enthusiasts came together for the celebration of the written word.
Vadodara Literature Festival 2.0
This year’s edition, spanning over 3 days, showcased an engaging line-up of sessions with 50+ authors comprising thought-provoking panel discussions – from history of India to food – and interactive workshops that captivated the attendees.
From culturally enriching performances to stimulating discussions on literature, Vadodara Literature Festival 2.0, hosted by Vadodara-based Parul University and I.I.M.U.N., celebrated literature in all its forms.