Ranjan Gogoi, former Chief Justice of India and Rajya Sabha MP, has started an initiative to offer scholarships to meritorious students pursuing law with funds from his salary and allowances as a Rajya Sabha member. It is believed that this scholarship will help needy students who want to pursue a career in law.
Ranjan Gogoi To Support Law Students
Ranjan Gogoi announced earlier that he will be donating his entire salary and allowances as a Rajya Sabha member to sponsor education of law students in the country.
Any student in the country pursuing a five-year degree course in law is eligible to apply. In their application form apart from the basic information, the aspiring students are also required to furnish their academic scores in the programme as well as family income proof certificates.
It is mentioned that as many as 19 law students from Assam and 10 others pursuing their studies in different law universities of the country have been selected for this scholarship.
A ceremony will be held at the Seminar Hall of National Law University premises in Guwahati on November 6 where Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court Rashmin Manoharbhai Chhaya will be giving away the cheques.