The Kerala government on Tuesday, December 14 released an animated short film on ‘Sex Education‘ among children. Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan released the film ‘Ami, Adi ℅ Sanju, Manju’ in his Facebook page and it’s made by the Integrated Child Development Scheme and Women and Child Development Department.
What Kerala CM has to say about the short film?
The short film is made with a message to ‘begin the first lessons of sex education from the home itself’ CM Vijayan states that ‘existing unscientific notions about sex are key obstacles to creating healthy male-female relationships and building a gender-based society.’
He further said, ‘providing scientific sex education to the new generation is an essential factor in the progress of a modern society.’
The message this short film gives
The film calls on parents to answer their child’s query regarding sex and gender instead of escaping them. Otherwise, children may go out their own means forming doubt and misguided opinions on sexuality, reproduction and even their own body.