Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Indian Tectonic Plate moving 5 cm every year, raising possibility of major Earthquakes in the Himalayas

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A warning has been issued by a leading weather scientist and geological expert regarding the possibility of major earthquakes in the Indian subcontinent. Dr. N. Purnachandra Rao, Chief Scientist and Seismologist at the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) in Hyderabad, has pointed out that the Indian tectonic plate is moving at a rate of 5 cm per year. This is leading to the accumulation of stress along the Himalayan region, which is raising the possibility of significant seismic events in the near future.

Indian tectonic plate moving at 5 cm per year

Dr. Rao has explained that the surface of the earth is made up of various plates that are constantly in motion. The Indian plate, which is situated in the subcontinent, is moving at a speed of about 5 cm every year. This movement is leading to an accumulation of stress along the Himalayan region, which is a known hotspot for earthquakes. Dr. Rao has further stated that the seismic gap between Himachal and the western part of Nepal, including Uttarakhand, is particularly prone to earthquakes that might occur at any time. The region is being closely monitored by a network of 18 seismograph stations in Uttarakhand.

Delhi is prone to earthquakes

The situation in the national capital of Delhi is equally concerning. According to Professor Subhadeep Banerjee, of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Delhi is sitting on three major fault lines. The region has a complex terrain, with the offshoot of the Aravalli range on one side and the Yamuna floodplains on the other. These geological factors make Delhi particularly prone to major earthquakes. Professor Banerjee’s warning comes as a concern for the millions of people living in the city and its surrounding regions.

Possibility of major seismic events – earthquakes

The possibility of major earthquakes in the subcontinent has always been a concern due to its location on the edge of the Eurasian plate. The region is known for its active tectonic activity, with major earthquakes occurring periodically. The last major earthquake in the region was in 2015, which devastated large parts of Nepal and northern India, killing more than 9,000 people and injuring many more.

Indian tectonic plates

The warnings from Dr. Rao and Professor Banerjee serve as a reminder of the importance of preparedness for such events. The Indian government has taken some steps in recent years to prepare for such disasters, including building earthquake-resistant buildings, conducting regular earthquake drills, and improving communication systems. However, there is still much more to be done to ensure that people in the affected regions are adequately prepared for such events.

In addition, there is a need for greater public awareness of the dangers of earthquakes and the steps that can be taken to reduce their impact. This includes measures such as having an emergency kit ready, knowing how to turn off gas and electricity in the event of an earthquake, and identifying safe places to take shelter during such events. The government, civil society organizations, and individuals all have a role to play in creating a culture of preparedness.

In conclusion, the warning from Dr. Rao and Professor Banerjee regarding the possibility of major earthquakes in the Indian subcontinent is a cause for concern. The movement of the Indian tectonic plate at a rate of 5 cm every year is leading to an accumulation of stress along the Himalayan region, which could result in significant seismic events. It is important for the government, civil society organizations, and individuals to take steps to prepare for such events and create a culture of preparedness. This includes building earthquake-resistant buildings, conducting regular drills, and raising public awareness of the dangers of earthquakes and the steps that can be taken to reduce their impact.



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