Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Annual Lyrid Meteor shower; observed from India till 29th April

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Many Indian states will be experience to witness the annual lyrid meteor shower till 29th of April. In some places, the moon might prevent people to see the phenomena due to his brightness. As per reports from the Astronomers, the best time to observe meteor shower is in the early hours of the day. In this time of the day, the visibility of the moon is around 20 to 25 per cent.

annual lyrid meteor

Annual Lyrid Meteor Shower

According to the reports from the experts, Indian states – Kolkata , Delhi and many others will get to see at least 10 to 15 meteors every hour.

The annual lyrid meteor shower has been observed since the last 2700 years and leaves beind a spectacular dust trail in the night sky.

The Lyrid Meteors get their name from the Lyra constellation of stars. The meteors are actually a part of a debris field that has been left behind by Cormet Thatcher. The Cormet is said to reverse in 45 years of time. The cormet is currently revolving around the sun.

annual lyrid meteor

The meteors that are left behind in the debris field leaves behind huge pieces of chunks.

This shower started off yesterday and will be witnessed by people of the India states till the 29th of April. This shower ends the drought month thus not witnessing any shooting stars.

annual lyrid meteor

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