Three research institutes have come together to sequence genomes of the Covid-19 virus variants prevalent/evolving in Northeast India.

As per the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) database, only 0.71 percent of Coronavirus genomes have been sequenced from samples originating from Northeast India, out of the total samples collected from all over India. This indicates under-representation and the critical scarcity of genome surveillance in the region.
Senior officials and Scientists from across the region have met recently to discuss collaborative strategies and planning for a concerted genome sequencing of the deadly Coronavirus.
An official from NEIST has said, “This is a move for an increased monitoring and surveillance of Covid-19 variants prevalent, circulating, and spreading in the Northeast region.”
He also called for cooperation from all the eight northeastern states to make genome sequencing, a success and mentioned they have an advanced computational facility, which would play a pivotal role in sequence data analysis.