On Tuesday, The Ministry for Development of the North-Eastern Region (DONER) said that North-East will Lead post- COVID India’s growth story. DONER Minister, Jitendra Singh attended the conference named, “The Land of Emerging Opportunities, focus area Manipur” which was organized by ASSOCHAM and the Government of Manipur.

“North Eastern Region is fast emerging as a role model in many spheres including the COVID management. In the post-COVID times, when we are engaged in building up India’s economy, there will be a tendency to look for unexplored areas of generating business and revenue, and the Northeast would be seen as a perfect destination,” said DoNER Minister Jitendra Singh.
Singh also mentioned the incredible and unprecedented transformations which had taken place in the North-Eastern Region in the last seven years in all segments of life under the leadership of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.
“There have been constant efforts by the Government to help businesses and entrepreneurs and significant steps have been already in this direction and the reforms are underway in the area such as investment in agriculture, hydel-power, infrastructure, information and communication technology, tourism as well as in creating new avenues of growth through the development of vertically integrated food processing chains, marketing the skill development and cross-border trade,” he added.