Abizzar incident occurred when a man went to withdraw Rs 500 from an ATM in Maharashtra’s Nagpur district, he was pleasantly surprised to receive five Rs 500 currency notes from the cash dispenser.

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Meanwhile, he went through the process again and received Rs 2,500 while attempting to withdraw Rs 500. However, the word quickly spread, and a large crowd gathered outside the Automated Teller Machine center to withdraw cash.

This occurred on Wednesday at a private bank’s Automated Teller Machine in Khaparkheda town, around 30 kilometers from Nagpur city.
Later, a bank customer called local police, who came to the scene and shut down the ATM center before informing the bank, according to a police spokesman from Khaparkheda.
Furthermore, due to a technological malfunction, the Automated Teller Machine was dispensing extra cash, he explained.

The currency notes of the amount of Rs 500 were mistakenly kept in the Automated Teller Machine tray meant to distribute notes of the denomination of Rs 100, according to the official.
So far, no complaint has been filed in this regard, he added.