Sujata Mutual Benefit Fund Limited is the fake financial institution in Hojai, Assam which stole crores of rupees from people. The company promised many plans but when the institution was unable to refund money, eight people including Mithun Sarkar filed complaint in Hojai police station and case is been registered under Section 397/21.
The police started investigating as the agency has corrupted more than 15 crore from people. In connection with this, the police arrested Pintu Devnath, Sentu Devnath, and Mantu Devnath on Sunday.
“Fraudsters are always looking to take advantage of significant world events. The COVID-19 pandemic and its corresponding rapid digital acceleration brought about by stay at home orders is a global event unrivalled in the online age,” said Shaleen Srivastava, executive vice president and head of fraud solutions at TransUnion in India.