Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu arrived in Aizawl on Wednesday morning for two day stay. The Vice President was received at Lengpui airport under a tight Security protocol by Mizoram Police. Governor Dr. Hari Babu Kambhampati, Health minister Dr. R. Lalthangliana, Rajya Sabha MP K. Vanlalvena along with other senior officials were present during the Vice Presidential arrival at the airport.
Cultural Programme at Circular Lawn, Raj Bhavan
The Vice Presidential motorcade reached Aizawl and entered Raj Bhavan at 11:35 A.M where the Vice President attended a meeting with the Governor and Chief Minster.
During the meeting Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga acknowledged to the Vice President, the necessity for the state to have a separate cadre for all India service officers to ensure efficiency in administration.
At 4:00 P.M, the VP attended a cultural programme at Circular lawn, Raj Bhavan. In the auspicious programme traditional dances such as the bamboo dance were performed by Cultural groups and special numbers were performed by local artists. Esther Hnamte, a five year old social media sensation who sang the National anthem was also among the artists who performed special numbers.
The cultural programme ended at 4:25 P.M and was followed by a Vice Presidential photo op with Mizoram government officials.
Vice President to address Legislative Assembly on Thursday
On his second day at Aizawl, the Vice President will address the ongoing budget session of the state assembly. The Vice President will be conducted to the Assembly Hall in a ceremonial procession for his speech.
The VP will leave for Sikkim on Friday, where he will lay the foundation stone of Kanchendzonga state university in south Sikkim.
Before he holds the Vice President’s Office, M. Venkaiah Naidu previously served as the Minister of Urban and Poverty Alleviation, Urban Development and Information and Broadcasting in the Modi cabinet.