A college in Udupi, Karnataka forbids six students to enter the premises since the last week of December, 2021 as a picture of those girls went viral where these girls were seen sitting on the staircase outside the classroom wearing hijab with school uniform.
What happened to students:
Aliya Asadi, one of them said, “We are still sitting outside the class. We are not allowed to go inside the classroom.” “One day, we had gone inside the classroom, but the teacher’s response was, ‘If you don’t go out of the class, I will push you out,” she further adds.
College authorities on the matter:
According to the college authorities they were violating the rules by wearing headscarves with school uniforms.
The Principal of the college, Rudra Gowda said that they can wear headscarves in the college premises, but not inside the classrooms. The rule is being implemented to ensure uniformity in classrooms.
“There are no provisions to have hijab as the uniform in our school’s rules…They can attend classes if they remove the hijab,” he further adds.
All-India Lawyers Association For Justice demands investigation:
The All-India Lawyers Association For Justice has demanded an investigation by the state government. In a statement the non-profit organisation said, “The actions of the college administration and staff against them is per se violative of the fundamental rights of the students.”
However, the Deputy commissioner of Udupi district and Karnataka education minister haven’t yet responded to the calls for a comment.
While speaking to the media Yashpal Suvarna, vice-president of the college development committee, said, “The protest was politically motivated as the students are members of the Campus Front, a students’ organisation.”
Sources also claims that several other Muslim girl students, who continue to attend college with hijab, are not being allowed to attend classes anymore.
Previous cases of protest against wearing of hijab:
Earlier, a week back a group of students affiliated with right-wing organisations donned saffron scarves at a Mangaluru college to protest against Muslim girl students wearing hijab in classrooms. They will wear saffron scarves as Muslim girl students are allowed hijabs.
Similarly, they belonging to right-wing outfits in Chikkamangaluru protested against hijab by sporting saffron scarves. The incident took place at a government-run college in Belagavi village in Koppa Taluk of Chikkamangaluru.
Besides, the students at Koppa college demanded that if hijab was allowed inside, then saffron scarves could be adopted too. The same students had earlier asked women not to attend classes wearing hijab.
To resolve the row, the principal of colleges in Mangalore and Chikkamangaluru set a standard uniform banning both hijabs and saffron scarves.
In the meantime, the issue has taken a political turn with BJP and Congress for radicalisation and religious discrimination.