Union Sports Minister Kiren Rijijju on Sunday tweeted that the Sports Ministry will not send its delegation to Tokyo except for necessary protocol needs. Instead of that, the sports ministry will send more support staff such as coaches, physiotherapists, doctors etc to enhance the performance of the athletes.
Due to the unprecedented situation caused by COVID-19 pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics conducting committee has reduced the size of foreign visitors which negatively impacted the overseas contingents with only a problem of support staff including coaches and physios allowed to travel to Tokyo. That’s the reason the Sports Ministry has decided to not send delegates in order to have maximum support staff with the athletes.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics organising committee has curtailed the size of foreign visitors. That has impacted the overseas contingents with only a handful of support staff including coaches and physios allowed to travel to Tokyo. That’s the reason the Sports Ministry decided not to send delegates in order to have maximum support staff with the athletes.
Kiren Rijiju in a Tweet posted on Sunday wrote, “A decision is taken not to send any officials from Sports Ministry as part of the delegation to Tokyo Olympics except for necessary protocol needs. We want to send more support staff such as Coaches, Physiotherapists, Doctors to optimize the performance of the athletes.”