Guest Lecturer in Horticulture Vacancies at North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU).
Walk-in-interview- 12th April 2022
Last Date- 12/04/2022

NEHU Shillong Recruitment 2022
The North-Eastern Hill University in Meghalaya has issued a job announcement for the position of Guest Lecturer in Horticulture.
Candidates who are interested in applying should do so before the deadline. More information about the North-Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya job vacancy 2022 may be found here.
NEHU Recruitment Notification 2022
Name of Post- Guest Lecturer in Horticulture
Number of Post- 01
Location- Shillong, Meghalaya

Eligibility Criteria for the Recruitment
Upper age limit:- No age limit
Educational Qualification- A Master’s degree in Floriculture & Landscaping is required to apply for the position of Guest Lecturer in Horticulture at the North-Eastern Hill University in Meghalaya.
Candidates must have completed the National Eligibility Test (NET).
Salary:- Rs. 50,000/- per month.
How to Apply for NEHU Recruitment 2022
Candidates who are interested and meet all of the requirements should attend a walk-in-interview for the position of Guest Professor on April 12th, 2022 at 11.30 a.m. at the office of the Pro-vice Chancellor, North-Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus.

The candidates are requested to bring detailed bio-data along with the list of all publications, awards, and original documents (Mark sheets/Transcripts/PDC of X th, XIIth, B.Sc. (Agri./Hort), M.Sc., PhD and NET certificate) and dissertations of M.Sc. & PhD.
Important Dates-
April 12th, 2022 at 11.30 a.m.
Website Link-
Official website-
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