Hyderabad’s 12-kg Ganesh Laddoo (a sacred offering) was auctioned for Record Rs 45 lakh on Saturday.The laddoo was auctioned at almost double the price of the famous Balapur Ganesh laddoo, however, the laddoo went for Rs 24.60 lakh a day ago.
Hyderabad’s Ganesh Laddoo
Notably, Marakatha Shree Lakshmi Ganapati Utsav Pandal laddoo was auctioned for Rs 44,99,999, making it the highest bid for a laddoo not just in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad across both the Telegu States (Telangana and Andhra Pradesh).
It may be mentioned that it’s a tradition to auction laddoos made for lord Ganesh as prasad and whoever wins is believed to get God’s special blessing. Local people believe that laddoo brings them good luck, health, wealth and prosperity.
The Balapur laddoo was bought by a local farmer and realtor V Laxma Reddy for Rs 24.60 lakh while the Sri Lakshmi Ganapati laddoo of Kanajiguda Marakata was bought by a couple, Geethapriya and Venkata Rao for Rs 45,99,999.