Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Berlin to allow women to go topless in all swimming pools

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New Rules Provide Equal Rights for All Berlin citizen

Women in Berlin can now swim topless in public pools, following a complaint by a woman who was not allowed to go topless in a pool in the city. The Berlin state government has announced that new rules will be implemented, allowing everyone to go swimming without covering their torsos. The decision came after the woman turned to the senate’s ombudsperson’s office for equal treatment, demanding that women, like men, be allowed to swim topless.

The Berliner Baederbetriebe, which runs the city’s public pools, has agreed to change its clothing rules in response to the complaint and the involvement of the ombudsman’s office in the case. The decision has been welcomed by the ombudsperson’s office, which said it establishes equal rights for all Berliners, regardless of their gender identity.

“Now it is important that the regulation is applied consistently and that no more expulsions or house bans are issued,” said Doris Liebscher, the head of the ombudsperson’s office.

In the past, women who bared their breasts at Berlin pools were asked to cover themselves or to leave the pool and were sometimes banned from returning. The new rule will ensure that women have the same rights as men when it comes to going topless in public pools.

The decision has been welcomed by women’s rights groups, who have been campaigning for equal treatment in public spaces. “This is a victory for gender equality,” said a spokesperson for the Women’s Rights Foundation. “It is important that women have the same rights as men in all areas of life, including public spaces such as swimming pools.”

Women’s Rights Groups and LGBTQ+ Community Welcome the Decision

The move has also been praised by members of the LGBTQ+ community. “This is a great step forward for inclusivity and diversity,” said a spokesperson for the Berlin LGBTQ+ Alliance. “It shows that the city is committed to creating a welcoming and accepting environment for all people, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.”

It is not clear when exactly the new rules will come into effect, but it is expected to be soon. The Berliner Baederbetriebe has said that it will ensure the new regulations are applied consistently and that no one is discriminated against on the basis of their gender.

This decision by the Berlin state government is part of a broader trend towards greater gender equality in public spaces. In recent years, there have been a number of campaigns and protests calling for equal treatment of women in areas such as public transport and sports.

Berlin allows to go topless for all

In 2020, the French Tennis Federation announced that it would no longer require female tennis players to wear skirts or dresses during matches, following years of criticism from women’s rights groups. The decision was seen as a major victory for gender equality in sport.

The decision by the Berlin state government is another step forward in the fight for gender equality and inclusivity. It sends a powerful message that all people, regardless of their gender identity, should be treated equally in public spaces. The decision has been welcomed by women’s rights groups and the LGBTQ+ community, who see it as a victory for gender equality. The move sends a powerful message that all people, regardless of their gender identity, should be treated equally in public spaces. This decision is part of a broader trend towards greater gender equality in public spaces, as seen in recent campaigns and protests calling for equal treatment of women in areas such as public transport and sports.



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