Sunday, September 15, 2024

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Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2021-2022; Check details here

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Assam Police‘s SLPRB has issued a job announcement for a total of 2134 vacancies in the AB and UB branches. To fill the 705 Constable (UB) and 1429 Constable (AB) vacancies in the Assam Police, recruitment rallies will be held in the state’s districts. Eligible individuals may apply online at the SLPRB Assam official website (

Title of the position: Constable

The total number of posts is 2134.

Vacancies by category:

• 705 Constable (UB)

•1429 Constable (AB)

Pay: Rs. 14000-49000/- on a scale of Rs. 5600/- with a grade pay of Rs. 5600/-. (Pay Band-II)

Reservations: Reservations for the Armed and Unarmed branches are as follows: Armed Branch

• 10% of the seats will be reserved for ST (P), 5% for ST(H), 7% for SC, and 27% for OBC/MOBC.

• In the Unarmed Branch of the DEF, 30% (30%) of the vacancies will be (horizontally) allocated for women candidates.

• 10% for the EWS category.

Eligibility criteria for recruitment:-

Candidates must be Indian nationals and Assamese permanent residents.

Candidate’s age must be between 18 and 25 years old as of July 1, 2021. (i.e. the candidate must be born on or before 01.07.2003 and on or after 01.07.1996).

Relaxation of Upper Age Limits by Category: The relaxation of upper age limits by category is listed below.

• 5 (five) years SC/ST(H)/ST(P)

• 3 (three) years for OBC/MOBC

• Home Guards/VDP Members: 3 (three) year additional relaxation

• FMMOs/SPOs: An additional ten (ten) years of relaxation

Educational Background:

• Unarmed Branch (UB): For the position of Constable, Unarmed Branch, District Executive Force, H.S. or Class XII must be passed from a recognised Board or Council (DEF).

• Armed Branch (AB): H.S.L.C. or Class-X certification from a recognised Board or Council for the position of Armed Branch constable.

Employment Exchange Registration: When applying for this position, the candidate must provide a valid Employment Exchange Registration Number.

The following tests are part of the recruitment process for Assam Police Constable (AB/ UB):

1. Physical Standards Tests (PST): After the candidates’ documents are found to be correct, they must take the PST (Physical Standard Test). There will be no marks on it.

The height, weight, and chest of all candidates, as well as the chest of only male candidates, will be measured using cutting-edge technology, and the candidate will then be examined by a Medical Officer for preliminary examinations such as knock knee, vision test, colour blindness test, flat foot, varicose vein, physical deformities, and so on. After passing the PST, a candidate will be required to take the PET (Physical Efficiency Test)

2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET): 40 points for female candidates (UB/AB) and 60 points for male candidates (AB)

Candidates who are male should:

(a) Race: Those that qualify for the PST will compete in a 3200 metre race that must be completed in under 14 minutes (840 seconds).

(b) Long Jump: The long jump must be at least 335 cm long (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks)

Female Candidates (#)

(a) Race: Those that qualify in the PST will compete in a 1600-metre race that must be completed in under eight minutes (480 seconds).

(a) Long Jump: The long jump must be at least 244 cm long (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).

Written Exam:

The written exam will have 45 multiple-choice questions that must be answered on an OMR response sheet. The candidate will receive one mark for each right answer. The Written Test will have a total of 45 points. There will be no repercussions. The following topics will be covered in the questions:

Written Tests Syllabus:

I. Basic Arithmetic II. Basic English III. Logical Reasoning/Mental Abilities

IV. The History, Geography, Politics, and Economy of Assam

V. Current events and general awareness/general knowledge

The written exam will be conducted in the following languages: Assamese, Bodo, Bengali, and English.

Final Merit List: The final merit list for appointment will be compiled based on the candidates’ performance in both the PST/PET and the written exam.



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