Assam’s Board of Secondary Education is the state’s government-run secondary school system. Assam’s Board of Secondary Education was founded in 1962.
In Assam, the Board of Secondary Education is also known as SEBA. Each year, SEBA conducts the HSLC/AHM Examinations for all Assamese students, and all participants must fill out their exam forms with the assistance of their respective schools.
Filling out the exam application is done through an online platform. In this article, we cover everything you need to know about filling out SEBA online forms, including links to the official website and notifications.
Filling Out the AHSEC Online Form in 2021
Details on how to fill out the SEBA form
Exam name: 2022 HSLC/AHM Examination
Name of Board: Board of Secondary Education, Assam
Name of Class: Class 10th
Type of Exam: Written Examination (Offline)
Date of Exam: February/March 2022
Fees for completing SEBA forms
Students should contact their institutions for information on the fees associated with filling out forms.
According to SEBA’s official statement, we have supplied the form filing fee data here. To finish the online form filling process for the HSLC/AHM Examination, 2022, students must pay a fee to their institutions.
Examination Fee: Rs.650/-
Centre Fee: Rs.300/-
Practical Examination
Fee: Rs.150/-
Annual Recognition
Fee: Rs.800/-
Cost for Practical Examination: This fee will only be charged if it is appropriate.
Annual Recognition Fee: The head of the institution, not the students, is responsible for paying the annual recognition cost.
SEBA Exam Application Process
The process of filling out the exam form is required, and students who do not fill out the exam form will be unable to take the exam. The process of filling up the forms, however, must be undertaken by the school authorities where the student is enrolled.
The schools will inform their kids about the entire procedure of filling out the forms. Additionally, no student will be allowed to access the portal for filling out forms. The login credentials will only be available to school officials.
How can I finish the SEBA form filling process?
Students who are preparing for the SEBA HSLC/AHM Examination in 2022 should work with their institutes to complete the online form filling process. Through SEBA’s official portal, institutes must complete the form filing process on behalf of their students.
To finish the form filling process, the institute will need its Username and Password. To access SEBA’s form filling portal, institutes should follow the simple steps outlined below.
Scroll down to the section titled “Important Links.”
To fill out an online form, go to this link.
In the new tab, an official gateway will open.
To log in, use the login credentials issued by the board.
Carry out the steps outlined in the official manual.
Important Dates for Filling Out SEBA Forms in 2021
The deadline to submit an online form is November 25, 2021.
The deadline to submit an online form is December 18, 2021.
Important SEBA Form Filling Links
Download Official Notification
Online Form Fill Up Link
Form Fill Up Fee Structure
Online Form Fill Up Guide
Visit Official Website