Seven medical students died after their automobile crashed off a bridge in Maharashtra on Monday night, including BJP MLA Vijay Rahangdale‘s son Avishkar Rahangdale.
The students were driving from Deoli to Wardha when their automobile crashed off a bridge near Selsura, according to the police.
About the accident
According to Prashant Holkar, Wardha Superintendent of Police, the accident occurred around 1.30 a.m. last night.
According to preliminary investigations, the car’s driver lost control.
They were all students at Wardha’s Sawangi Medical College. MBBS students Neeraj Chauhan, Vivek Nandan, Pratyush Singh, and Shubham Jaiswal were in their final year, Avishkar Rahangdale and Pawan Shakti were in their first year, and Nitesh Singh was a medical intern.
PM Narendra Modi expresses sorrow
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his sorrow at the accident’s fatalities. He also declared that the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund would provide Rs 2 lakh to the families of those who died and Rs 50,000 to those who were injured.
“An accident near Selsura, Maharashtra, claimed the lives of several people. My thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones at this time of tragedy. I hope that those who have been harmed will be able to recuperate quickly”, Prime Minister Modi stated.