On February 4, 2024, a significant landslide wreaked havoc in Ramban district, bringing traffic on the crucial Jammu-Srinagar National Highway to a grinding halt for nearly four hours.
Landslide Brings Jammu-Srinagar National Highway to a Standstill
The landslide, a result of adverse weather conditions, obstructed the 290 km-long national highway, known as NH-44, and leftover 300 vehicles stranded in its wake.
Among the stranded vehicles were cars, trucks, and buses, exacerbating the already tense situation as authorities worked tirelessly to clear the debris and restore traffic flow.
In the midst of the chaos, a video surfaced capturing a dramatic moment where a police officer attempted to stop a car despite the driver continuing to go. The video again shows the challenges faced by law enforcement in managing the traffic mayhem and ensuring public safety amidst such emergencies.