Kohima Smart City Development Limited (KSCDL) and Kohima Municipal Council (KMC) have started intensive cleaning of the main highway in an effort towards making Nagaland’s capital city Kohima as a “Litter Free City”.

From morning 6 am to evening 6 pm is to be observed as “No Litter, No Garbage” hours. Fines may be imposed on violators and the fines rate have been fixed at Rs 500, Rs 2000 and Cancellation of Trade License for first, second and third offence respectively for Traders and Rs 200, Rs 500 and Rs 1000 for first, second and third offence respectively for individuals. Depositing of waste in the Kohima Municipal Council Collection points along the main city highway will be strictly before 6 am in the morning and after 6 pm in the evening.

KSCDL functions as a company to implement the smart city mission for Kohima in accordance with the mission guidelines and the implementation jurisdiction will be within the area under Kohima Municipal Council (KMC). Credit goes to its citizens, ward sanitation committees and various groups and organisations for the co operation and efforts in improving waste management in Kohima all over the years resulting in a cleaner Kohima.