More than one crore of worth drug was seized by the Mizoram and Tripura border police on Friday.
Drug bust by the Mizoram-Tripura Police
A contaband called the methamaphetamine was captuired and seized by the border police force of two of the neighbor states – Mizoram and Tripura.
The quantity of the tablets that were seized by the plice was 50,000 which carries the worth of about 1 crore in the international drug market.
The seized possession were being transported in a goods carrying truck that beared the registration number of Tripura.
The secret operation to arrest the culprits were conducted by the Mizoram police in a small village called Kanhmun. The village lies in the border of the two states.
Based on an intel, the police conducted the bust seized the contraband from a truck.
According to the recent tweet uploaded, the mizoram police had written , “kudos to Mamit Police for yet another major success in #warondrugs”.
Thus, the problem of intoxication in Mizoram is of a grave concern for the entire region as the state shares boundaries with international territory. These drugs give a gateway to all those who are deep into the usage of these substances. The transportation of these substances makes it even easier for people to use it.