In a startling occurrence in Bengaluru on Friday morning, an Ola cab driver allegedly masturbated in front of a young woman passenger while on a journey. The event occurred when a young journalist working for a reputable English daily hired an Ola cab to get home after work.
The victim raised the issue on social media
This whole thing became public after this woman, who is also a journalist, brought it up on social media.
“It made me feel terribly unsafe today in a city that I call home.” I took an Ola after work around the normal time, only to be met by a driver who thought he could masturbate in front of me. He kept doing it, assuming I hadn’t noticed”, she tweeted about it.
She went on to say that she summoned the strength to shout and order the cab to come to a halt. “As soon as he saw what I was doing, he closed his dhoti and pretended nothing was wrong.” I cried and shouted with what little confidence I had, forcing him to stop the cab. Unfortunately, I was walking along a dark street with only a dimly lighted street light. “He came to a halt and drove away,” she explained.
Police Commissioner apologizes
Bengaluru Police Commissioner Kamal Pant apologized for the event and demanded that the alleged perpetrator be apprehended after she highlighted the issue on social media.