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What happens to your body when you never have sex? Read to find the shocking impacts!

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By: Sneha Singha, The North-Eastern Chronicle

Visual by: Pallab Neog

Sex is beneficial to your body The health advantages of bedroom activity have been studied extensively by researchers. But do you know, though, that not having sex might be harmful to your health? A lack of action may damage your body in a variety of ways. Here are the most surprising side effects:

High risk of heart disease


A scientific study has found that having sex just twice a week reduces a man’s chances of having a heart attack. The Journal of Sexual Medicine published research that found having sex slashed men’s levels of a harmful chemical. The benefits of regular sex for men are more pronounced than for women because their arousal is less dependent on healthy blood flow.

Immune system weakens

According to psychologists Carl Charnetski and Francis Brennan Jr, orgasms are extremely advantageous to your immune system. They ran a study in which they requested saliva samples from individuals who had intercourse once or twice a week. Immunoglobulin A, a common cold-busting antibody, was identified in exceptionally high concentrations in those samples. From sex, the human body’s immune system boosts.

High risk of Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

For men, how regularly they have sex, specifically ejaculation may be connected to their chances of prostate cancer. It has been speculated that ejaculating reduces the hazard by bringing down stress and regulating the metabolism of cells. According to experts and research published in America, one is advised to ejaculate around 21 or more times a year.

Lead to weakening of vaginal walls

Weak vaginal walls are caused by lack of blood flow. Dry spell for a long time may increase the risk of not feeling sexual pleasure during intercourse. Health experts recommend having regular penetrative sex to increase vaginal health. This mostly happens to women who are over the age of 50.

Getting Stressed


Exercise, in any form, can help you relax. However, if you’re experiencing sexual frustration in addition to the stress of everyday life, it can be difficult to overcome. The hormone oxytocin is considerably increased in your system when you have sex. This oxytocin has the ability to counteract the stress-inducing effects of its rival hormone cortisol. One of the most effective stress relievers is sex. According to health experts, regular sex is linked to stress reduction, and not having it might result in increased stress levels.

Affects Intelligence

Researchers from the University of Maryland and South Korea discovered that having sex increased their brain function and brain cell proliferation. However, additional research is needed before we can claim with certainty that not having sex deprives you of this mental boost.

Loss of lubrication

Another negative effect, which is more common in older women, is that the vaginal lining struggles to lubricate when you resume sexual activity after a period of inactivity. A shortage of the hormone oestrogen causes this, as well as weakening vaginal walls.

Increase in anxiety

According to several researches, persons who haven’t had sex in a long time have a harder time coping with stress than those who have sex frequently. The brain is supposed to release a hormone called endorphins while having sex, which helps to improve your mood. So, without sex, there are no compounds like endorphins, making it impossible to cope with any stressful scenario.

Low risk of Urinary Tract Infection(UTI)

The majority of UTIs (almost 80%) occur within 24 hours of intercourse. The bacteria travels to the urethra and causes infection when having intercourse. So, for women, not having sex can be beneficial because UTI infections are rare.

Erectile dysfunction

Men who are going through a dry spell may be jeopardising their future sex lives. Men who made love less than once a week were twice as likely to develop erectile dysfunction as those who made love more frequently, according to an American study published in 2008. As a result, it is recommended that you practise as much as possible.

Also Read: Myths and facts on Orgasm: Path of self pleasure and peak of satisfaction?


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