On the BJP’s foundation day, Congressman Shashi Tharoor took a shot at the party, questioning whether its constitution is one of its “fabled jumlas” because “nothing on its front page that the party actually believes in or practises.”
According to sources, he posted a picture on Twitter on BJP’s foundation day, of the front page of the BJP’s constitution which said “the party aims at establishing a democratic state which guarantees to all citizens irrespective of caste, creed or sex, political, social and economic justice, equality of opportunity and liberty of faith and expression”.
“Happy birthday BJP! You turn 42 today. Isn’t it time to start living up to your own Constitution? There seems to be nothing on its first page that you actually believe in or practice…. Or was even this document one of your fabled jumlas,” he tweeted?
The party’s main concept would be integral humanism, according to a passage from the BJP’s constitution that Mr Tharoor published.
In addition, it stated, “The party shall be committed to nationalism and national integration, democracy, ‘Gandhian approach to socio-economic issues leading to the establishment of an egalitarian society free from exploitation, Positive Secularism, that is, ‘Sarva Dharma Samabhav’ and value-based politics.”
PM Modi asserts on BJP’s Foundation day
Moreover, Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed on Wednesday on its foundation day that people are finally realising that dynastic parties are the “biggest enemies” of democracy, claiming that the BJP stands for “rashtra bhakti” and its opponents for “parivar bhakti.”
Meanwhile, PM Modi stated dynastic parties are dedicated to furthering family power, have little regard for constitutional standards, and cover-up corruption and crimes of each other, even if they may be active in other states while speaking to BJP members on the party’s 42nd foundation day.
Further, he said that when the world is divided into two opposing poles, he said India is acting by maintaining its national interest foremost. He was referring to geopolitical changes as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
According to sources, he claimed that when national or state-level political parties come to power, members of a few families rule everything from local bodies to Parliament and that only the BJP has opposed them and made it an election issue.
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