The Government of Taliban has announced to open high school for girls in March 2022
The ministry of education Aziz Ahmed Reyan in Afghanistan has announced that high school will be reopened in March 2022.
The schools were closed since August 2021 after the Taliban came into power in Afghanistan, the new academic year begins in March which also makes the first month of the new starting year
Stringent measures taken by Taliban

Women were banned from education, work and public life when the Taliban came in rule 20 years ago.
Girls in most of Afghanistan have not been allowed back to school beyond grade 7 since the Taliban takeover, and reversing that has been one of the main demands of women’s rights activists and the international community for money.
He claimed the reason behind not allowing girls to attend classes in high schools was because the Taliban was creating a safe system for girls. Girls were only allowed to attend classes up to class six since the Taliban gained power on August 15 last year, which drew strong criticism at home and abroad.
In a directive issued this month, Taliban authorities said women seeking to travel long distances should not be allowed on road transport unless they are accompanied by a close male relative.
The Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice also called on vehicle owners to refuse rides to women not wearing headscarves.
And also women were not allowed to work. Taliban clearly banned women from holding positions of leadership, they have not announced other sectors where women are officially barred .Taliban leaders are “institutionalization large scale and systematic gender-based discrimination and violence against women and girls”.
As per as Aziz Ahmen Reyan:
“The Taliban Government has no issue with girls’ education that is why we have paid the salaries of female teachers. We will hire more female teachers for girls,” Khaama Press quoted the spokesman as saying.
The spokesman further said that they were working on capacity building of female teachers and wanted to increase the number of these teachers so that only women teach girls. He stated that for a long time Taliban were working hard to form female teachers and professors.
The Taliban will make sure that only women teach the girl students in Afghanistan. If female teachers were not available in some areas, then only elderly male teachers would be allowed to educate girl students.