On June 12, Chief Minister of Tripura, Biplab Kumar Deb, accompanied by agriculture minister Pranajit Singharoy and Lok Sabha MP Pratima Bhowmik, flagged off Kisan Rail’s maiden journey from Agartala to New Delhi.
As per the sources, The train is carrying 8,990 kg of pineapple to Adarsh Nagar of Delhi and 1,145 kg of pineapple and jackfruits to Guwahati, official sources said.
Additionally, Indian Railways started running ‘Kisan Rail’ in the country in August last year to transport perishable goods and agri-product, including milk, meat and fish providing a wider market to farmers and enabling them to increase their income.
CM Biplab Kumar Deb added while flagging off the train, “With the inauguration of the Kisan Rail, the transport cost for agricultural products will now come down to a great extent. Earlier, the transportation cost for sending these products by air was Rs 20 to 50 per kg. Now, it will come down to Rs 2.25 per kg for Delhi and 88 paise for Guwahati”.