On Thursday, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) horse used at the Jan Ashirwad Yatra party in the city was painted in the saffron colour of the Indore flag and subsequently complained about the Indore police. It painted the horse with the colours of the People’s Party flag and the party logo. She has the name of the party written vertically on her body, and a scarf with the design of the People’s Party is tied around her neck.
PFA files complaint to Indore police
The local representative of the non-governmental organization People for Animals (PFA) People for Animals (PFA) of the Bharatiya Janata Party deputy Maneka Gandhi has filed a complaint with the Sanyogitaganj police station in Indore, requesting FIR under the Prevention of Animals of 1960 Act of cruelty. The problem can also be sent to the election committee notice.
Also Read: Mysterious: PM Modi’s Statue built by BJP worker disappears overnight
Ramdas Garg presented the horse in yatra
Under the leadership of the Minister of Civil Aviation, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Yatra is among the many elements of Indore. According to reports, the legal person of the municipal company Ramdas Garg presented the horse in Yatra before painting it in the colours of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Yatra carried out logging in 22 states to introduce people to the center’s new minister, a series of state polls.