Over the delay of vaccination process in the country, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi made a mock tweet criticizing the delay in the overall process. Tweeting from his handle, Rahul Gandhi writes, “July aa Gaya Hein, Vaccine nahi aayi” which means July month is here but there is no availability of vaccines.
Several ministers from BJP have come forwarded and have righteously showed severe disappointment over Gandhi’s apparent insensitive remark over the vaccination process. Union minister Kiren Rijiju tweets, “Very sad to see such irresponsible statements to discredit the #LargestVaccineDrive. After Govt of India provided 75% of vaccines available for free, vaccination speed picked up & 11.50 cr doses were given in June. Pls don’t play politics in the midst of a deadly pandemic.”
He goes on to add, “July aa gaya, vaccine aa gaya, lekin Akkal nahi aayi”, which means that July is here, vaccine is also here, but brain is seen nowhere.
Other ministers too responded over the tweet. Union minister Harshvardhan corrected Gandhi over the facts regarding the availability of Vaccines.